Earth's Geological Age Versus Hindu Ages: A Comparative Exploration

 Earth's Geological Age Versus Hindu Ages: A Comparative Exploration

The concept of time has always fascinated humanity, and various cultures and civilizations have developed their own systems to measure and understand it. One intriguing comparison lies between the Earth's geological age, as determined by scientific evidence, and the ages described in Hindu cosmology. While these two frameworks may seem fundamentally different at first glance, examining their similarities and differences can provide valuable insights through passage of time.

Geological Age of the Earth: According to scientific evidence, the Earth is estimated to be around 4.54 billion years old. This age is determined through various methods, including radiometric dating of rocks and minerals, analysis of sediment layers, and the study of fossils. Scientists have pieced together a chronology of Earth's history, highlighting significant events such as the formation of the planet, the development of life, and the rise and fall of different species. (see Fig-2)
Hindu Cosmology and the Yugas: In Hinduism, the concept of time is vast and cyclical, divided into four Yugas or ages: Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga. These ages are part of a larger cycle called the Mahayuga, which consists of 4,320,000 years. Each Yuga has a specific duration and characteristics, and they follow a descending order of moral and spiritual decline..     (Table-1)

• Satya Yuga: Also known as the Golden Age, Satya Yuga is considered the most virtuous and spiritually enlightened period. It lasts for 1,728,000 years, and people in this age are believed to possess heightened consciousness and live in harmony with nature.

• Treta Yuga: The Treta Yuga is the second age, lasting for 1,296,000 years. It is characterized by a gradual decline in moral and spiritual values compared to the previous age. This age is associated with the emergence of great epics, such as the Ramayana.

• Dvapara Yuga: Dvapara Yuga follows the Treta Yuga and lasts for 864,000 years. It is characterized by further decline in righteousness and spiritual awareness. This age witnesses the rise of conflicts and discord among people.

• Kali Yuga: The current age, Kali Yuga, is considered the age of darkness and spiritual ignorance. It began approximately 5,000 years ago and is believed to last for 432,000 years. This age is characterized by widespread materialism, moral degradation, and a departure from spiritual values.

Comparing Geological and Hindu Ages: It is important to note that Hindu cosmology does not provide a direct correlation between its Yugas and the Earth's geological age. The Yugas are considered as celestial cycles of time, while the geological age of the Earth reflects the scientific understanding of its formation and evolution.

The differences between the two frameworks are apparent. The geological age of the Earth is based on scientific evidence, such as radiometric dating, which allows for a relatively precise estimation. In contrast, Hindu cosmology's Yugas are based on mythological and philosophical interpretations, which emphasize the cyclical nature of time and the moral and spiritual state of humanity.

However, it is intriguing to observe some parallel concepts. Both perspectives acknowledge the notion of time as a cyclical phenomenon. In geological terms, the Earth has witnessed multiple cycles of geological events, including the rise and fall of continents, the shifting of tectonic plates, and the occurrence of ice ages. Similarly, Hindu cosmology** describes the recurring cycles of the Yugas, highlighting the rise and decline of human consciousness and morality.
The science of the origin and development of the universe. Modern cosmology is dominated by the Big Bang theory, which brings together observational astronomy and particle physics.
Religious or mythological cosmology is a body of beliefs based on mythological, religious, and esoteric literature and traditions of creation and eschatology. Our Hindu calculation of Earth and all Avtars and Deityies are based on this cosmology.
Furthermore, both frameworks recognize the idea of gradual decline. While the specifics may differ, the geological record reveals periods of mass extinctions and significant environmental changes. Similarly, Hindu cosmology presents a progressive decline in moral and spiritual values from the virtuous Satya Yuga to the current Kali Yuga. While in Dwapara Yuga, Kurukshestra war used atomic weaponaries and there was mass extinction also.
In conclusion, the geological age of the Earth, as determined by scientific evidence, and the ages described in Hindu cosmology offer distinct perspectives on the passage of time. While the geological age provides a scientific understanding of Earth's history, the Yugas in Hindu cosmology emphasize the cyclical nature of time and the moral and spiritual states of humanity. Exploring the similarities and differences between these two frameworks deepens our understanding of diverse cultural perspectives on time, offering a glimpse into the multifaceted nature of human perception.
Explanations sought :
One million = ten lakh
One billion = ten thousand lakh
As Geological age translated to actual digits
Age of Earth comes  out = 4540,000,000 years = 4.54 billion i.e. 4540,000 million
Ages as per Hindu Beliefs
Total of four yugas : 4320,000 years =
43.2 lakh. It is called Solar years.
For finding out ratio, let us take the age of Earth is 4320,000,000 years= 4.32 billion to simplify the mathemtics. Then,
Ratio G.A : H A = 1: 0.001. i.e. 0.1%
If actual Earth age is taken into calculation the ratio comes as 0.0009 i.e. 0.0951%
So, Hindu time calculation have cared for only 10% of the total time span, since Earth has developed, which is 4.32 lakh years, roughly 5 lakh years only.
So, establishing a corelation between genesis of our planet's developmental time schedule with our Hindu traditional 4-yuga solar time schedule is rather a difficult task. Here the question opens up - how old is this religion? How far can it be back traced? As a common religious person, I do believe in yuga time cycle and its rotation. But problem comes, as and when, I try to place my God and his Avtars, in this vast time scale. Geological age is proven aspect but can we vouch same for yuga period time scale?  Possibly no, with hesitation in mind.
A Yuga Cycle (a.k.a. chatur yuga, maha yuga, etc.) is a cyclic age (epoch) in Hindu cosmology. Each cycle lasts for 4,320,000 years (12,000 divine years) and repeats four yugas (world ages): Krita (Satya) Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga.
Hindu texts describe four yugas (world ages) in a Yuga Cycle—Krita (Satya) YugaTreta YugaDvapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga—where, starting in order from the first age, each yuga's length decreases by one-fourth (25%), giving proportions of 4:3:2:1. Each yuga is described as having a main period (a.k.a. yuga proper) preceded by its yuga-sandhyā (dawn) and followed by its yuga-sandhyāṃśa (dusk), where each twilight (dawn/dusk) lasts for one-tenth (10%) of its main period. Lengths are given in divine years (years of the gods), each lasting for 360 solar (human) years.
The current cycle's four yugas have the following dates based on Kali Yuga, the fourth and present age, starting in 3102 BCE. That is time, age, taken as Nirvana of Bhagwan Shri Krishna from this Earth to his Loka (Vaikuntha).
Yuga Cycle
Yugas........   Start (– End)... ....  Length
Krita(Satya)...    3,891,102 BCE .     1,728,000 BCE (4,800)
Treta. . .. .. ....... 2163,102 BCE.. .    1,296,000 BCE (3,600)
Dvapara. ..... ...... 867,102 BCE.... .  864,000.. BCE  (2,400)
Kali*... .... ....  ....  3102 BCE .. 428,899 CE 432,000 (1,200)
Years: 4,320,000 solar (12,000 divine)
Mahabharata, Book 12 (Shanti Parva)
Now, what is CE and BCE?  Unless, we have the clear cut understanding of these two terminology in our human time scale, then the length of the time span we are discussing, will not be understandable clearly.
CE is an abbreviation for Common Era. It means the same as AD (Anno Domini) and represents the time from year 1 and onward. BCE is short for Before Common Era. It can be used instead of BC (Before Christ) and stands for the time before year 1.
CE (Common Era) is the secular equivalent of AD (anno Domini), which means “in the year of the Lord” in Latin. 

Now as have reached to the final figure of Earth's ages, thought or calculated or extended backwards is only 43 lakh of human years. As anthropology and Geology suggests, human (Homosapiens) appeared only at less than one to two lakh years from now. So, the remaing 40 lakh(+/- 3 years) years' time could be equivalent of Four Yugas! 
Satya is 38.91 lakh BCE+ 2023 years back.
Treta is 21.64lakh BCE + 2023 years back.
Dwapar is 8.67lakh BCE+2023 years back.
Kali starts at 3102 BCE+ 2023= 5125 years back.
If Darwin is to be believed ( I strongly believe) and geological age proofs are considered simultaneously, then first human like creature (earliest hominids) under the mammal family appeared 5.3 million i.e.53 lakh years ago. But in our religion, calculated through solar year span as well as Divine year span, we are part of the story which is only 43/40 lakh year old. 
Anthropological studies proved, modern Homosapiens from Africa got distributed through out the globe only during last 2 lakh years ago approximately. 
Here lies the major question of Treta Yuga and presence of kings, queens, rakshashas, monkeys, bears, squirels, swans and huge jungles,oceans and huge numbers of pious men (sadhus, Yogis, Maharshis) and use of iron, gold, silver, aero dyanamic flying Vimanas etc. Were all these written by sage Valmiki? Is it just imagination or truth? We do not have any proof. Till then, history was not been kept as written document. I just can not fathom out, such a great improved and potential civilisation, creating havoc in their time, why were not intetested to pass their acumanship, history, mechanics,  matematics to the next generation? 
But today's studies suggest, 21 lakh years ago, from today, there were no human living, of today's definition. Yet, we accept Ramayana in our hearts. Sri Ram is our seventh Vishnu Avtar. Then, was Ram, Laxman, king Dasharath, Ravana and last but not the least Sri Hanumana were all Aliens?  They came from different planet (Mars?), attempted to propagate civilisation in their format, but finally left as the experiment could not replicate the desired result! 
I am not by any chance preaching against my own tradition and belief. No, not at all.
If Ramayan is not only a Hindu Epic, not a mythological cosmology, then why science could not find a suitable degree of accepting and explaining the phenomena? Why the appearence of human (sensu-stricto) on Earth's surface is having a loud gap of 19 lakhs of years! The comparision made my life more at jeopardy.
Think about it, my fellow educated country men and others who might read it.
That’s all for the day, chow. 

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