The Oldest Cult in India: A Deep Dive into Its History and Practices


The Oldest Cult in India: A Deep Dive into Its History and Practices
Introduction India is a land of diversity, and its religious and cultural heritage is one of the oldest in the world. One such ancient and mysterious cult in India is the Aghori cult, which has been shrouded in secrecy for centuries. The Aghoris are said to be one of the oldest and most extreme sects of Sadhus who are known for their unconventional and taboo practices. In this essay, we will delve into the history and practices of the Aghoris sect.

Historical Background and Timeline: The Aghori cult originated in India approximately 1000 years ago. It is believed that the founder of this cult was Baba Kina Ram, who is regarded as the first Aghori guru. The Aghoris are a part of the Shaiva cult, which worships Lord Shiva.
The Aghoris have a very interesting timeline, which is as follows:

1000 years ago: Baba Kina Ram founded the Aghori cult.
1300 AD: Baba Keenaram’s disciple, Baba Siddhartha Gautama, popularly called as Baba Kinaram II, who was a great Aghori saint and Guru, took the message of Aghor to the world.
1400 AD: Pingaleshwar Baba, who was the direct disciple of Baba Kinaram II played a prominent role in establishing the Aghori cult in Haridwar.
1500 AD: Baba Sobhnath, who was the disciple of Pingaleshwar Baba, took the message of Aghor principles to the valley of Kashmir.
1700 AD: Aghoris were known to frequent Varanasi and Haridwar as they were considered the ideal place for the practice of their rituals and traditions.

The Aghoris are known for their unconventional and, in some cases, taboo practices. They believe that everything is God, and God is in everything, including the most impure. Hence they often engage in practices which otherwise may seem unclean and unacceptable in the mainstream society. Some of their practices include:

Practices of the Aghoris
Consumption of human flesh and remains- Aghoris believe that consuming human flesh can help them overcome their fear of death.
Smoking Marijuana- Marijuana helps Aghoris to reach a trance-like state of mind and hence is considered an important part of their rituals.
Sleeping on corpses- The Aghoris believe that sleeping on a corpse or near a cremation site can bring them closer to God.
Covering themselves in ashes- Aghoris often cover themselves in the ashes of cremated bodies as they believe it gives them spiritual powers.

Conclusion The Aghoris have a fascinating yet terrifying history. Although the practices of the Aghoris may seem bizarre and even taboo to the rest of the world, they believe it is a way of achieving spiritual enlightenment. As India continues to modernize, the Aghoris may become even more secretive, but their cult will continue to fascinate many who seek to understand it.

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